

Thursday, January 8, 2009

*~ My New year's Decree*~

I say decree not resolution because this year i want to challenge us a country, city, and community to change the things we dont like to better ourselves and all of those who live around us. Lets work to impact future generations so that they wont have to endure some of the same harships that we are faced with. By not being so self-centered as a people perhaps if we open our eyes and even attempt to care about someone other than ourselves this world would be a better place. Let old grudges go, its a new year which means that this year will bring its own struggles and we dont need people to be still worrying about last year's struggles. Leave all of the B.S., the drama, the backstabbing, the killing, the putting down, the giving up, the its too hard attitude, the its all about me mindset, and all of the other things that need to stay and die in 2008. In 2009 pick up the self- appreciation, love of self and neighbor, the push through attitude, acceptance of the good times as well as the bad, and all of the other things that need to be resurrected and come back to life in 2009.

As for me personally, my own personal challenge for myself is to learn to appreciate my life, everyday that i wake up, but also to appreciate the people who are in my life. I am also going to challenge myself to be a better me with less stress and drama in my life overall. Aside from all of this however, i want to be a more happy person which i feel i can attain by not getting mad over the silly antics of others!

!~Stay Posted

*The one ~n~ Only SiSi