

Monday, November 16, 2009

Today's Daily Word 11/16/09

Today's daily word is one that can and will, (if you let it) affect your personal, social, and or love life. it is this: If you love someone be sure to not only tell them but show them on the regular because ppl dont last forever and no one should regret not telling and showing someone that you love them before they are no longer with you. It is not always easy to do, but at the same time it will pay off in the long run. Though you may fuss and fight with the ppl you love, it is safe to say that at least they are still here for you to fight and argue with!


Today's Song: One in a million-Aaliyah

Live/Laugh/Love & God bless

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Is it me or does it seem like as soon as it gets cold outside cars wanna start actin up??? I got a saturn for my birthday last year (December) and my parents kept saying the dealership said everything had been checked and that everything was fine. Last Tuesday i was takin my sis and my niece to the city. I parked my car on the street where she lives. We went in her apartment for aboout 30 minutes. After i came out, i went to reverse out of the parking place my car wouldnt reverse. I had to put the car in reverse, press the gas, then the brake then it jerked and reversed. My sis got in the car and i went through this sequence again. She immediately said i was haveing "transmission trouble." Not being able to reverse, i get back on the expressway and take it to autozone because the "service engine soon" light came on. Autozone hooked it up to a machine that said i either needed some transmission fluid or a new transmission. The guy checked my trans fluid and said it was clean and full so that only left one thing.......TRANSMISSION TROUBLE!!!! I called my dad and told him and he called his mechanic. His mechanic came to pick it up Wednesday and has had it ever since. TODAY IS WEDNESDAY OF THE FOLLOWING WEEK AND I STILL HAVE NO CAR!!!!! Imagine my fristration right now to be a teenager without their car...... :( :( :(
P.S. My car's name is Mellissa Dejon


So when i first ran for senior class president i was not aware that it entailed this much headache! Perhaps if i step back and allow things to play themselves out i will have a better understanding of what to do next. Before anyone can wrongly accuse in any situation they must first be sure that everyone involved in the situation knows all that he or she needs to know. Because this job is not easy i must learn to overcome the odds and do my job no matter who else involved slacks off or points fingers. I want my senor class to have the best year possible which is my main goal from start to finish. However it seems as though some ppl have lost sight of that same goal!!! Not only will i continue to strive to make my fellow seniors happy, but i will also stick to my morals and do my job no matter what! Its not as if its easy with everything else thats goin on right now, but i will do my best to keep balanced because it means a lot to me that senior year is year all of the class of 2010 will remember for years to come. Things are starting off slower than a slug right now (LITERALY) but nonetheless i hope to have enough time to make the memories everyone of us wants!!!!

Today's lesson is: No matter what other ppl say to you or behind your back, continue to do your job and never let them get you to a point where you want to quit or even rethink doing your job to the best of your ability!!!!!!


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Its Thursday...Friday lol IDK

This is My Friday!!!! Well we dont have school tomorrow so for anyone who goes to my schoo its Friday or a 3 day weekend. Not too much homework which makes the weekend really fun!!! We had a "prayer Service" for the beginning of the year. It was...well different and very interesting. It got me "FIRED UP" (insider)! Anyway im starting this school year with a positive attitude and good study habits, etc. Im takin difficult, yet fun classes and im ready. However im also ready for this 3 day weekend lol!!!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

SiSi's Daily Word 8/26/09

Today's Daily Word is easier said than done! It is this: Never stop knowing and believing that you can do anything & everything you set your mind to doing. All of us are capeable of greatness the only problem is we dont always believe that, and so we do not always live up to our potential. I have had this experience many times about school and other things. Sometimes no matter how much I study or how many times I read the material I just cant get the information to stay n my mind for the quiz or test! I'm sure most of you can tell by my daily words that these r things that ive been through and struggled through. I do not tell ppl or advise ppl of things I am not 100% sure of!!!! Sometimes if you just reassure yourself that it is possible and that yes you can do it, things will get better because now you believe in yourself!


Today's Song: Me, Myself, & I - Beyonce

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

SiSi's Daily Word Tuesday 8/25/09

Today's Daily Word is related to parent/child relationships. It is this: Everybody at one point in their life feels as if their parents dont understand them. What you must remember is that every parent was once your age! What we must remember is that parents dont always remember that themselves! We as their children must learn how to agree to disagree and agree to have arguments. It is normal to get into it with your parents in your teenage years, but the trick is knowing how to handle it. So today focus on letting your parents have their space, while still expressing your love and affection toward them. On the other hand if you're like me and you're "into it" with one or both of your parents right now then dont worry about it. Let them and the situation cool off. Let them hurl their comments, insults, etc. for now and let them roll off. Its ok!!! Focus on school and in my case college and more important things than this (probably petty) argument between you and your parents.


Today's Song: Jesus Be A Fence -Fred Hammond

Monday, August 24, 2009

SiSi's Daily Word

Good morning all! Today's daily word is really simple! It is as follows: Do not allow yourself to stoop to lower heights than you ought due to the stupidity and lack of thinking of individuals other than yourself!!! Its that simple. Here's a great example- This weekend i was n the car with my boyfriend when this guy who i consider my personal stalker has this girl call my phone n say that i dont respect the way her "cousin" feels about me n that i need to stop playin with his emotions-Now i could have easily cursed her out cuz she called restricted or let it really upset me n ruin my wonderful night with my BF but i didnt cuz ive learned that stooping to such a level is both unnecessary and a huge waste of both time and energy. I myself am trying to apply this concept to everyday life and not just this one situation. Also, allow your hatera to b able to look up at u moving forward instead of u right next to them or worse lower than them!


Today's Song: My Life, My Love, My All - Kirk franklin

Friday, August 21, 2009

A Question of thought

Why does life seem to always be moving so fast and you're moving so slow???

~*SiSi's Daily Word*~

So today is the second day of school n im sittin in homeroom extra bored n my mind is racin with all the things i have to do today...SIDE NOTE: Happy Birthday to my niece LaDonna. She turned 1 yesterday n we havin a party for her today!!! Love u ladybug!!! So anyway back to my daily word....Today i wanna let everyone know that people dont last forever. This isnt to dim your day down but rather to make you appreciate life and the people n yours. If you love someone tell them at least once a day. They may b gone next time u try to say it. Life is to short to let little things bother you and b stuck on ppl you probably wont even remember n a few months. Stop bein so bitter about ppl n situations. Truth is that the grudges we hold only bother us cuz the ppl we mad at r sleepin just fine at night. We the ones losin al the sleep! Dont get stressed over simple things n simple-minded ppl. Live your life for you and no one else!!! Thank God for and count all of your blessings each n every day cuz somebody didnt wake up this mornin! Well ill write back later!!! Have a good day n b as productive as u possibly can. REMEMBER: The Sky Is The Limit.....


Thursday, January 8, 2009

*~ My New year's Decree*~

I say decree not resolution because this year i want to challenge us a country, city, and community to change the things we dont like to better ourselves and all of those who live around us. Lets work to impact future generations so that they wont have to endure some of the same harships that we are faced with. By not being so self-centered as a people perhaps if we open our eyes and even attempt to care about someone other than ourselves this world would be a better place. Let old grudges go, its a new year which means that this year will bring its own struggles and we dont need people to be still worrying about last year's struggles. Leave all of the B.S., the drama, the backstabbing, the killing, the putting down, the giving up, the its too hard attitude, the its all about me mindset, and all of the other things that need to stay and die in 2008. In 2009 pick up the self- appreciation, love of self and neighbor, the push through attitude, acceptance of the good times as well as the bad, and all of the other things that need to be resurrected and come back to life in 2009.

As for me personally, my own personal challenge for myself is to learn to appreciate my life, everyday that i wake up, but also to appreciate the people who are in my life. I am also going to challenge myself to be a better me with less stress and drama in my life overall. Aside from all of this however, i want to be a more happy person which i feel i can attain by not getting mad over the silly antics of others!

!~Stay Posted

*The one ~n~ Only SiSi